credit insights

Your customers' affordability in real time

Access a comprehensive analysis of your customers' financial behavior to help you make the right decisions.

Credit Insights gives lenders instant access to categorized Open Banking data to build a reliable financial profile of their credit applicants.

In addition to the highly accurate categorization of banking data, Credit Insights offers a host of easily exploitable risk indicators. These indicators can be fed into predictive models, enabling lenders to manage their risk more effectively and make more accurate decisions.

Residual income

Monthly credit payments

Monthly income and expenses

Duration and amount of overdrafts

Various incidents

Interbank transfers...

categories for an accurate assessment
of credit risk
More precise categorization
Would you like to find out more about Credit Insights?

Download our product sheet.

Do you have a question about Credit Insights?

See our FAQ or contact us for more information.

What is Credit Insights?

Credit Insights is a product that categorizes transactions and contains a list of indicators you can use in your credit decision engine. More details in our documentation.

How quickly is an account analysis available?

Analysis time depends on the number of accounts and transactions. In the vast majority of cases, our analyses are ready in a matter of seconds.

How many tests can I perform?

Our free plan allows you to make 100 API calls/month. Once your product is in production, we can increase the monthly call quota according to your needs.

How do I get my API key?

The API key is available in our console. Select the project of your choice and click on API Credentials. Here you'll find the client_secret and client_id for your API calls.

A project? A question? 

Would you like to change the way you make credit decisions? Let's talk!

A project? A question? 

Would you like to change the way you make credit decisions? Let's talk!